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Insurance Glossary: A Look at Common Industry TerminologyThink insurance is confusing? That may have something to do with the specialized vocabulary that's been developed to describe the many concepts, tools, and policy types unique to the industry. But you don't have to be an insurance outsider... Here are some insurance terms to help you become a savvy consumer.

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Warmer weather is on the way, and the open road will soon be calling. Whether you're a recreational motorcyclist or a serious cross-country rider, be sure you have the right insurance to meet your needs and to protect yourself on the road.

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They come in all shapes, sizes, and styles, from the rounded-off, vintage "teardrop" types to the mirror-shiny Airstreams and the clever pop-up models. Some are strictly no-frills, utilitarian shelters for lonely fishermen to park by the river for a few days; others are incredibly appointed bastions of luxury that seem as long as a city block and can keep a family of 12 comfortable and. Summer is at its peak, and it's not just the hot sunshine, sandals, and barbecues that remind us; it's the amazing assortment of travel trailers moving all over the U.S. highways. Families love to travel in the summer, and what better way to do it than with a mobile house on wheels towed behind your car or truck, providing all the comforts of home in virtually any new locale you desire?
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When we left Jack and Sara last month, college sweethearts Jack and Sara got engaged on their way to New Orleans and made sure to add the new ring as a rider onto their existing renter's insurance policy. And while staying with family friends, Jack accidentally backed his car into their garage. Thank goodness for their homeowner's insurance provides coverage for damage to their property caused by visitors. Here's what happened next...
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It turns out that few of us in Virginia are as unique as we might like to think. Each New Year's Day, the common longings that unite us all come to the surface in the form of our resolutions, many of which are identical from one person to the next. How many of the top ten most common New Year's resolutions sound familiar to you?
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Nobody in the Virginia wants poor old Santa to emerge from the chimney looking like a scary, sooty monster. Now that the weather is truly chilly and the generous man from the North Pole is on his way, it's time to think about your chimney and/or make sure your wood stove is in fine working order. Hiring professionals to do this for you is certainly one option, but during a time of year when your pocketbook is already likely to be a bit on the depleted side, you may be motivated to do it yourself. Here are some tips for safe and effective DIY assessment and cleaning of chimneys and wood stoves:
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Asbestos is a hidden health hazard that can lurk right in the place where you should feel the safest: home. While those who work in the construction industry are considered the most vulnerable to asbestos exposure, especially repeated exposure, it's important to keep in mind that even very limited exposure-such as what you might experience during a simple renovation project-can have long-term negative effects. Make it a priority to prevent you and your family members from coming into contact with this dangerous material.
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Part of what makes our iPhones, Androids, and the like so convenient is their diminutive size. They fit easily into pockets and purses and are extremely portable. The undesirable flip side to their petite stature, however, is how easily they can be left behind and lost, not to mention stolen. Before notifying your insurance company about a lost or stolen device, however, you can try tracking it down.
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For most of the children in Virginia, the end of August means those lazy dog days of summer are coming to a close, and those books and desks are what will be opening up next. For parents, the back-to-school season is a great time of year to look over insurance policies, and make sure they are up to date. Here are some insurance situations to consider as the kiddos hit the books.
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Contractors are people, too. What does that mean? Well, even though they may have licenses and many years of experience in their profession, they are fallible. There are good ones and bad ones. Some are ethical and honest, while others seem to be missing a conscience. Just as you would be careful about choosing a nanny, a personal accountant, or a used car salesman, so should you use caution in selecting a contractor before you begin that home building project, renovation, or repair. Here are some good tips to avoid getting taken for a ride:
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Thanks to a certain well-known and widely-loved MGM musical featuring a scarecrow, a tin man, and a cowardly lion, many of us, especially those who dwell on the East or West Coast, have thought of tornadoes as little more catalysts for traveling "over the rainbow" to a colorful world populated by munchkins and flying monkeys. But those who have experienced actual tornados know they are more the stuff of nightmares than the stuff of Technicolor fantasy. And on May 20th of this year, the entire nation saw just how devastating a tornado can be when we witnessed the tragedies in Moore, Oklahoma.
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Like it or not, the vast majority of us in Virginia have become dependent on our cell phones. We rely on them not just as tools of oral communication (in fact, actually talking on the phone seems to be increasingly rare), but as tools for sending texts and emails, as both still photography and video cameras, as notepads, as gaming systems, as maps, and as music players. Indeed, today's cell phone is a far cry from the behemoth model of yesteryear, complete with its adjustable wire antenna; a cutting-edge contemporary does virtually everything!
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In February, a meteor-now known as the Chelyabinsk projectile-exploded over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk and the surrounding Ural region as it zoomed toward Earth. More than a thousand people were hurt by flying, broken glass. The meteor shattered countless windows, set off car alarms, and blew off doors. The energy of the blast was 40 times as powerful as the Hiroshima bomb! Though the whole thing happened in seconds-climaxing with a flash of blindingly bright light at the moment of impact-the effects of the incident were widespread. Footage of this event is readily visible online; check out the breathtaking-and terrifying-clips in this You Tube film:
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We all know that pollution affects the soil, air, and water in our outdoor environment. Many of us in Virginia have taken measures to minimize harm to our planet, but what about our indoor environments-the places we call home?
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There's no doubt that your lifestyle choices can make you healthy or unhealthy. And, unsurprisingly, your environment has enormous influence over your lifestyle. We've all heard that certain nations and even states have healthier populations than others, but even your neighborhood can help to make or break your health. In fact, studies have indicated that life expectancy can differ by as many as ten years from one neighborhood to the next, even if those neighborhoods are side by side!
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It's fitting that the month during which we celebrate Earth Day is also National Lawn & Garden Month. Spring in Virginia is finally in full force, and this is the ideal time to nurture and beautify your own small patch of earth-your yard or garden. Here are some earth-friendly ways to turn your outdoor living space into a paradise. If you live in an apartment and don't have your own patch of land, consider implementing these ideas in a community garden that you can share with neighbors!
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Those of us in Virginia who took our Drivers' Ed classes in decades past certainly remember the oft-repeated phrase "ten and two." Ten and two is a kind of code for the positions one's hands should take on a steering wheel. If the steering wheel is a clock, we were all told that you should place your right hand at two o'clock and your left at ten o'clock. Keeping your hands thus positioned would enable you to steer effectively and retain the greatest control over your vehicle. Ten and two! It's practically gospel, right?
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Insurance can be a tricky business. Shopping for can feel intimidating because there are so many providers and plans to choose from, so much fine print...and so many misconceptions! Yes, myths abound in the insurance world, and they are perpetuated as readily and colorfully as any fairy tales or legends.
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Resolving to make improvements to your health and habits in 2013 can do more than just improve your longevity, your quality of life, your appearance, and your attitude; it can also work to put more money in your pocket! How? Well, in addition to all the cash you'll save by foregoing that daily double mocha with whipped cream, you can also reap the benefits of having decreased insurance rates. That's because many insurance providers will give you a break if you make changes for the better. For example:
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Those of who live in cold climates get to enjoy the fresh, crystalline beauty of a snowy, icy landscape. Sometimes, a mere glimpse out the window reveals an outdoor winter wonderland of sorts, one where all is white and shimmering, where pine boughs are weighed down by heavy clusters of snow, and long, pointed icicles dangle from the eaves. There can be a downside to all this beauty, however. As much pleasure as they can give, snow and ice can also cause damage to your property. Here's how you can protect your home from ice and snow damage:
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Most of us in Virginia have insurance for our homes, cars or businesses. We know life insurance is part of any good financial plan and health insurance can protect us from catastrophic medical bills. But there are a few other programs that we come in contact with - we don't usually think of these programs as insurance, but they are.
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Few connections are as vulnerable to conflicts as the ones between neighbors. Fence lines, Fido's bathroom habits, and Friday night parties hosted by unsupervised teens are just a few common examples of matters that inspire some not-so-neighborly arguments. Most Virginia residents can readily point a finger at a neighbor who has proven to be less than considerate. But there is at least one thing every single one of us can do to be a better neighbor: have home insurance liability coverage.
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A few years ago, Hurricane Ike tore through the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas, leaving almost nothing but rubble in its wake. Before the hurricane, some 200 homes had proudly stood along the peninsula's coastline, their inhabitants enjoying idyllic lives on the beach. But after Ike had wreaked his havoc, only 10 of those homes remained standing. Some of the surviving homes had lost power, and their decks had blown away; one sustained roof damage. But all were move-in ready soon after the storm had passed.
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You may consider yourself well versed when it comes to the ins and outs of business insurance in Virginia, especially if you own a business in Virginia. But just how accurate and in-depth is your knowledge? In the spirit of fall, which is back to school time, take this quiz to test your awareness of business insurance myths and truths.
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Chances are if you carry any sort of insurance policy in Virginia, you are somewhat familiar with the concept of exclusions. An exclusion is, in layman's terms, simply something that an insurance policy doesn't cover; it is literally excluded from protection by the policy. Of course, life is so much easier when everything is included in one tidy package, but since this is rarely the case, it's important to be aware of your insurance policies' exclusions.
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If you're a business owner in Virginia, you may have employees who take company laptops and smartphones with them during their summer travels. This is wonderfully convenient because it allows employees to stay in touch and work while they are in distant locales. It is also risky, however, because chances are those laptops and smartphones contain important customer and business records-data that should never land in the wrong hands.
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Times have changed substantially since the dog-eat-dog days of fire marks-distinctive plaques fashioned of lead or copper that home and business owners displayed on their property to indicate that it was insured against a fire. In the 18th and 19th centuries, fire insurance providers gave these plaques to policyholders who paid in advance for their protection. If a home or business caught fire, the fire insurance provider (who also ran the fire brigade!) would look for that all-important fire mark before going to the trouble of putting out the flames. If there was no fire mark to be found, they would turn around and leave, letting the building burn.
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It's the place where we seek rest and respite from the demands of the workday and the outside world. It's where we spend quality time with friends and family. It's where we cook, eat, sleep, shower, and sit by the fire. It's home, and it really is sweet.
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You're probably accustomed to taking stock of the assets that lend spark to your personal life - jewelry, collectibles, and art, for example. Such assets are typically stored in or around your home, and can be protected by a valuable personal property policy tacked on to your existing homeowners', condo, or rental insurance policy. But your business has assets, too. Have you taken the time to assess just what they may be, and obtain the coverage you need to ensure their protection?
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It's that time of year again, the time of giving and receiving. We show love and appreciation for the people in our lives by presenting them with tokens of affection, usually in the form of presents. Likewise, we receive gifts. Some are delightfully simple and sweet, another hand-knit sweater from Aunt Margie, while others may be flat-out fancy diamond necklace from the husband, for example. When the euphoria that comes with receiving a truly great present dies down, it's time for those in Virginia to think about protecting it. It is, after all, another asset, and should be treated as such.
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John Robins -

One factor in determining the premium of a personal auto policy or a homeowners policy has nothing to do with your driving record or claims historyit's your credit record. According to Conning and Company, more than 90 percent of insurers use an insurance applicant's credit historyhis or her insurance risk scoreto slot him or her into a certain program.
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piggy bankIn these cost-conscious days, everyone is trying to save money wherever and whenever they can. It seems that people may especially look to their insurance policies as a place to realize some savings.
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homeowners6 tips to manage yo ur homeowner premium:
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