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Home: Exterior Upkeep for Lasting Value and LongevityDoes your home need a new paint job or a quick refresh on the trim? Are the gutters overflowing with the remains of fall foliage? Or are larger issues demanding immediate attention, like doors and windows, the roof, or the foundation? Whether you thrive on weekends filled with do-it-yourself projects or hide at the mere suggestion, summer's long days and generally agreeable weather in Virginia offer the ideal opportunity to take on the range of home maintenance and improvement tasks to preserve value and functionality for years to come. Here are a few considerations for fixing up the exterior of your home in the months to come.

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The Most Common Holiday-Related Insurance ClaimsThe holiday season is upon us, meaning it's time to be jolly, gather with friends and family, and, hopefully, stay safe. But in addition to the things we're all wishing for, the holidays can bring some unwanted gifts in the form of accidents, damages, or injuries that might result in an insurance claim. So what are the most common holiday-related insurance claims and how can you avoid them? Read on to find out.

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10 Steps for Spring Cleaning Your GarageA garage is often the place we tend to dump things that we don't know what else to do with, and one that we rarely truly clean. Even after a year at home, when many of us have deep cleaned, purged, and organized our entire houses, the garage may still be filthy, full of junk, disorganized, or all three. So if you're ready to tackle this space, here's how to start (and finish).

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Dryer Vent Safety FactorsAccording to the U.S. Fire Administration, clothes dryerscontribute to nearly 3,000 fires, 5 deaths and over $35 million in property loss each year. So making sure your dryer vent is clear is a simple but important way to keep your home and family safer. Even in the absence of fire, clogged vents cause your dryer to be less effective resulting in greater use of electricity and more breakdowns. If you find your dryer is taking longer and longer to fully dry a load of laundry, chances are your vent has become blocked with lint.

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Inspecting and Maintaining Home UtilitiesUtilities, such as electricity, water, and natural gas, allow us to complete the tasks of daily living. Now that working from home has become the norm, it's that much more important that these critical services work reliably, day after day. As the chances of extreme weather and natural disasters continue to increase, here's what you should know about maintaining your home utilities, and what to do if there's a problem.

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Preparing for an EmergencyA few short months ago, many of us, and around the world, quickly learned that we were not prepared for an emergency. And while it didn't turn out to be the type of emergency we thought it was; there was really no need to buy all that toilet paper. It reminded us that we are not invincible, and that we really should have an emergency plan and supplies in place. If you haven't already put together your own emergency plan and supplies, it's not too late. Take the following steps to make sure your family is prepared.

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Home Innovations: Technology for Smarter LivingTechnology-enhanced homes in Virginia are the wave of the future, but many people might not understand how smart home technology works, believe they can afford it, or know whether or not it's worth the investment. While there certainly are complete smart home systems available, you don't necessarily have to go all in or spend a ton of money in order to take advantage of some of the most practical innovations smart home technology has to offer.

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Keeping your Cool in the SummerIn some areas of the country, having an air conditioner is an absolute necessity. But in other areas, such as in the Rocky Mountain Regions, staying cool indoors takes some diligence and effort. Whether your home is equipped with AC or not, here are some things you can do to keep your spaces cooler this summer.

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10 Tips to Prep for Boat SeasonBoating season is here and, fortunately, it's an activity that can be very compatible with social distancing and other pandemic safety guidelines. But before you take your new or beloved watercraft out for a first spin, it's important to conduct basic maintenance and preparations so that your time out on the water is safe and smooth sailing.

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Fire Prevention - Power Strip SafetyWhat would we do without our handy power strips? Those convenient blocks of electrical sockets, which enable us to convert one outlet into several, make it possible to plug in all the gear that we can't live without these days. A typical location for a power strip is the home office, where it helps computers, speakers, printers, monitors, and all sorts of other necessities come to life. But many households have power strips in multiple rooms, if not every room, since there are so many items that require plugging in these days. Hairstyling tools, cooking equipment, and phone chargers come to mind!
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Fire Safety: Keeping Appliances in CheckMost people rely on dozens of appliances to support their daily tasks and activities, including small but significant tools like alarm clocks or hairdryers; toasters and stand mixers; and heavy hitters like the dishwasher or washing machine. So, how do you keep your appliances running their best, and getting a good return for your investment by having them work for as many years as possible? Here are a few tips to improve the performance and longevity of appliances.

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Tree Care for HomeownersTrees add a lot to a community and neighborhood in Virginia, and they even enhance the value of the properties they inhabit. But if not properly maintained, they can cause safety issues, increase the risk of fire, damage homes, interfere with power lines or plumbing; or become diseased and even die. Whether your trees are new, young or mature, don't leave their health up to chance. Here are some ways to maintain trees on your property.
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Spring CleaningWe all love how fresh and wonderful a home can feel after a good spring cleaning; but getting started can be overwhelming. Fortunately, you don't have to clean your home perfectly to rejuvenate your living space. Here's how to get maximum results, whether you have a few hours, a few days, or no extra time at all.

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Change Furnace FilterLet's face it, most of us probably don't think much about replacing everyday household items, the ones we hang onto for months or even years. But hiding in our kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms are many tools and products that should be refreshed on a regular basis to prevent illness and disease, or just to ensure that they're actually working properly.

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November is National Sleep Comfort MonthSleep is one of the most important aspects of healthy living. The New York Times recently proclaimed that "sleep is the new status symbol," and recent studies have blamed a lack of sleep for everything from poor academic performance to weight gain to relationship problems. So how much sleep do you really need? Probably more than you're getting. The CDC recommends a minimum of 7 hours, even for adults. Children and teens need even more, so if you're a parent, be sure to help your child get to bed at a reasonable hour each night.

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Spring is here in most places around the country, and that means that summer isn't far behind. Instead of leaving all of the work until the sunny days of summer, there's a lot that can be done in the meantime to get ready for outdoor living. Here are some tips for preparing your home and garden before the sun and balmy weather start to beckon you.

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Summer in Virginia is coming and with it is the opportunity to experience all kinds of warm-weather mishaps. Here are some common summer dangers and how to avoid them.
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A Christmas tree is a non-negotiable tradition for many families during the holidays. But even those who look forward to those twinkling lights and strings of popcorn may have a small child or mischievous cat that makes having a tree difficult and sometimes even dangerous.
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As winter's lingering shadow lessens, and the sun shines brighter and warmer every day, it's an ideal time to give your front and back yards a thorough spring cleaning in preparation for a long stretch of satisfying, beautiful, and safe outdoor fun.
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Nobody in the Virginia wants poor old Santa to emerge from the chimney looking like a scary, sooty monster. Now that the weather is truly chilly and the generous man from the North Pole is on his way, it's time to think about your chimney and/or make sure your wood stove is in fine working order. Hiring professionals to do this for you is certainly one option, but during a time of year when your pocketbook is already likely to be a bit on the depleted side, you may be motivated to do it yourself. Here are some tips for safe and effective DIY assessment and cleaning of chimneys and wood stoves:
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Asbestos is a hidden health hazard that can lurk right in the place where you should feel the safest: home. While those who work in the construction industry are considered the most vulnerable to asbestos exposure, especially repeated exposure, it's important to keep in mind that even very limited exposure-such as what you might experience during a simple renovation project-can have long-term negative effects. Make it a priority to prevent you and your family members from coming into contact with this dangerous material.
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Contractors are people, too. What does that mean? Well, even though they may have licenses and many years of experience in their profession, they are fallible. There are good ones and bad ones. Some are ethical and honest, while others seem to be missing a conscience. Just as you would be careful about choosing a nanny, a personal accountant, or a used car salesman, so should you use caution in selecting a contractor before you begin that home building project, renovation, or repair. Here are some good tips to avoid getting taken for a ride:
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Thanks to a certain well-known and widely-loved MGM musical featuring a scarecrow, a tin man, and a cowardly lion, many of us, especially those who dwell on the East or West Coast, have thought of tornadoes as little more catalysts for traveling "over the rainbow" to a colorful world populated by munchkins and flying monkeys. But those who have experienced actual tornados know they are more the stuff of nightmares than the stuff of Technicolor fantasy. And on May 20th of this year, the entire nation saw just how devastating a tornado can be when we witnessed the tragedies in Moore, Oklahoma.
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Resolving to make improvements to your health and habits in 2013 can do more than just improve your longevity, your quality of life, your appearance, and your attitude; it can also work to put more money in your pocket! How? Well, in addition to all the cash you'll save by foregoing that daily double mocha with whipped cream, you can also reap the benefits of having decreased insurance rates. That's because many insurance providers will give you a break if you make changes for the better. For example:
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Most of us in Virginia have insurance for our homes, cars or businesses. We know life insurance is part of any good financial plan and health insurance can protect us from catastrophic medical bills. But there are a few other programs that we come in contact with - we don't usually think of these programs as insurance, but they are.
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Few connections are as vulnerable to conflicts as the ones between neighbors. Fence lines, Fido's bathroom habits, and Friday night parties hosted by unsupervised teens are just a few common examples of matters that inspire some not-so-neighborly arguments. Most Virginia residents can readily point a finger at a neighbor who has proven to be less than considerate. But there is at least one thing every single one of us can do to be a better neighbor: have home insurance liability coverage.
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Times have changed substantially since the dog-eat-dog days of fire marks-distinctive plaques fashioned of lead or copper that home and business owners displayed on their property to indicate that it was insured against a fire. In the 18th and 19th centuries, fire insurance providers gave these plaques to policyholders who paid in advance for their protection. If a home or business caught fire, the fire insurance provider (who also ran the fire brigade!) would look for that all-important fire mark before going to the trouble of putting out the flames. If there was no fire mark to be found, they would turn around and leave, letting the building burn.
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Earth Day is April 22, 2012. It's a time for those of us in Virginia to celebrate the miraculous beauty of our precious planet and all its offerings, as well as to make changes to our own habits and lives that will help to preserve the earth for many generations to come. Making such changes will not only benefit the planet; they will benefit you, and all of its present and future inhabitants.
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It's the place where we seek rest and respite from the demands of the workday and the outside world. It's where we spend quality time with friends and family. It's where we cook, eat, sleep, shower, and sit by the fire. It's home, and it really is sweet.
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You're probably accustomed to taking stock of the assets that lend spark to your personal life - jewelry, collectibles, and art, for example. Such assets are typically stored in or around your home, and can be protected by a valuable personal property policy tacked on to your existing homeowners', condo, or rental insurance policy. But your business has assets, too. Have you taken the time to assess just what they may be, and obtain the coverage you need to ensure their protection?
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Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks to an organization. It is important for businesses of all sizes to have a risk management plan in place to protect themselves from financial losses.
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Twenty five percent of the businesses forced to close due to a disaster or emergency never reopen. Smaller businesses are especially vulnerable because they do not typically have the resources to cover continuing expenses if income is interrupted. A business can greatly reduce the chances of a disaster becoming a death sentence for you business by planning ahead. Here's what you need to have in place.
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