identity theft

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Kids Off To College? New RisksYour son or daughter headed to college will most likely need computer equipment, cell phones and sometimes tablets.

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Credit Card Fraud Prevention: Keep Yourself and Your Business SafeFraudulent charges to your personal or business accounts can be both financially and emotionally devastating. Even if you do eventually recover the funds, the stress and time that results from having been stolen from can take a toll.

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Much of our lives are spent online these days, so it only makes sense that insurance companies are starting to offer products to help protect consumers from the significant losses that can occur related to their online activity. And it's not just identity theft that's covered by these new cyber insurance and related "cyber loss" policies. Here are a few of the most popular new coverages to protect yourself online and ultimately, off.

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When we left Jack and Sara last month, college sweethearts Jack and Sara got engaged on their way to New Orleans and made sure to add the new ring as a rider onto their existing renter's insurance policy. And while staying with family friends, Jack accidentally backed his car into their garage. Thank goodness for their homeowner's insurance provides coverage for damage to their property caused by visitors. Here's what happened next...
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Asbestos is a hidden health hazard that can lurk right in the place where you should feel the safest: home. While those who work in the construction industry are considered the most vulnerable to asbestos exposure, especially repeated exposure, it's important to keep in mind that even very limited exposure-such as what you might experience during a simple renovation project-can have long-term negative effects. Make it a priority to prevent you and your family members from coming into contact with this dangerous material.
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Part of what makes our iPhones, Androids, and the like so convenient is their diminutive size. They fit easily into pockets and purses and are extremely portable. The undesirable flip side to their petite stature, however, is how easily they can be left behind and lost, not to mention stolen. Before notifying your insurance company about a lost or stolen device, however, you can try tracking it down.
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For most of the children in Virginia, the end of August means those lazy dog days of summer are coming to a close, and those books and desks are what will be opening up next. For parents, the back-to-school season is a great time of year to look over insurance policies, and make sure they are up to date. Here are some insurance situations to consider as the kiddos hit the books.
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Like it or not, the vast majority of us in Virginia have become dependent on our cell phones. We rely on them not just as tools of oral communication (in fact, actually talking on the phone seems to be increasingly rare), but as tools for sending texts and emails, as both still photography and video cameras, as notepads, as gaming systems, as maps, and as music players. Indeed, today's cell phone is a far cry from the behemoth model of yesteryear, complete with its adjustable wire antenna; a cutting-edge contemporary does virtually everything!
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It's fitting that the month during which we celebrate Earth Day is also National Lawn & Garden Month. Spring in Virginia is finally in full force, and this is the ideal time to nurture and beautify your own small patch of earth-your yard or garden. Here are some earth-friendly ways to turn your outdoor living space into a paradise. If you live in an apartment and don't have your own patch of land, consider implementing these ideas in a community garden that you can share with neighbors!
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Resolving to make improvements to your health and habits in 2013 can do more than just improve your longevity, your quality of life, your appearance, and your attitude; it can also work to put more money in your pocket! How? Well, in addition to all the cash you'll save by foregoing that daily double mocha with whipped cream, you can also reap the benefits of having decreased insurance rates. That's because many insurance providers will give you a break if you make changes for the better. For example:
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When one of your kids is going to college in Virginia or out-of-state, there's so much to think about: the cost of tuition, packing all the right things to take along, and registering for the proper classes, not to mention the powerful emotions that arise when one of your fledglings makes the bold leap out of the nest and flies away. One important matter that may be easily forgotten amidst all these other concerns is that of insurance. In particular, health and property are two aspects of every college student's life that may require new coverage.
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If you're a business owner in Virginia, you may have employees who take company laptops and smartphones with them during their summer travels. This is wonderfully convenient because it allows employees to stay in touch and work while they are in distant locales. It is also risky, however, because chances are those laptops and smartphones contain important customer and business records-data that should never land in the wrong hands.
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The Internet: it's a part of everyhousehold, an indispensable resource, a source of endless entertainment, and an incomparably effective communication tool. Most of us can hardly imagine life without it. Its advantages are many, but it has its drawbacks, too. Chief among them is loss of privacy. What you search for, shop for, and look at on the Web is not just saved; it's shared, and used by advertisers who tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.
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Last summer, Apple introduced the iCloud, an intriguing method of saving data on a remote server-as distant and nebulous as a cloud itself-rather than on a local hard drive. The cloud allows users to store and remove data from a remote server through a network, but the cloud isn't new and it isn't limited to Apple's iCloud; the concept has been around for a while, and has existed in one form or another for years. According to industry journal InfoWorld, "[c]loud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities."
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It's the place where we seek rest and respite from the demands of the workday and the outside world. It's where we spend quality time with friends and family. It's where we cook, eat, sleep, shower, and sit by the fire. It's home, and it really is sweet.
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One factor in determining the premium of a personal auto policy or a homeowners policy has nothing to do with your driving record or claims historyit's your credit record. According to Conning and Company, more than 90 percent of insurers use an insurance applicant's credit historyhis or her insurance risk scoreto slot him or her into a certain program.
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John Robins -

Our smart phones are always with us, and sometimes, that may not be such a good thing.Setting your phone down in a restaurant or other public place can lead to theft; a momentary distraction can mean losing your phone through forgetfulness.If you smart phone is like most, it sports apps, web book marks, and saved passwords with direct access to sensitive personal, financial, and business information.
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Tips for Securing the Right Password.

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Today many of us have a multitude of passwords to keep track of at work and at home. As passwords multiply it is easy to succumb to the temptation of using easy to guess words or simply leaving a sticky note on your computer. But these are generally bad ideas. Better is to come up with a strong password and keep it secret.
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What is "Identity Theft" or "Identity Fraud"? Simply, identity theft is committed when another person's name, Social Security number or other personal information is used to apply for credit, buy goods and services, or commit other fraud. Identity theft is now a federal crime and recently stiffened penalties were put in place but you should still take measures to protect yourself. And if you should be victimized there are steps you can take to minimize your loss.
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