insurance credits

The following blog posts have the category Insurance credits

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Manage Personal Automobile Insurance CostsAs prices for gas, consumer products and services rise often insurance costs follow the same trend. Insurance premiums for car insurance can vary based on multiple factors. Here is 8 tips to think about when trying to lower your car insurance premium.

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Tips for Achieving and Maintaining Good CreditWe all start the New Year vowing to do better, with our health, our relationships, and of course, our finances. But how do you even begin to make improvements if your financial situation is far less than ideal? And if you're on the right track, how do you keep it going? Here's what you need to know about building and maintaining good credit.

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For most of the children in Virginia, the end of August means those lazy dog days of summer are coming to a close, and those books and desks are what will be opening up next. For parents, the back-to-school season is a great time of year to look over insurance policies, and make sure they are up to date. Here are some insurance situations to consider as the kiddos hit the books.
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In many parts of the country, water abounds as winter winds down. Melting snow and rain seem to make the whole world a watery place. Slushy, icy environments are common, making roads hazardous and driving a dangerous proposition. But too much water can even create problems in what seems like the safest of all places: home. When the quantity of water in and around your home is too much for your water removal systems to deal with, you have what is known as water back up.
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Insurance can be a tricky business. Shopping for can feel intimidating because there are so many providers and plans to choose from, so much fine print...and so many misconceptions! Yes, myths abound in the insurance world, and they are perpetuated as readily and colorfully as any fairy tales or legends.
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Resolving to make improvements to your health and habits in 2013 can do more than just improve your longevity, your quality of life, your appearance, and your attitude; it can also work to put more money in your pocket! How? Well, in addition to all the cash you'll save by foregoing that daily double mocha with whipped cream, you can also reap the benefits of having decreased insurance rates. That's because many insurance providers will give you a break if you make changes for the better. For example:
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Earth Day is April 22, 2012. It's a time for those of us in Virginia to celebrate the miraculous beauty of our precious planet and all its offerings, as well as to make changes to our own habits and lives that will help to preserve the earth for many generations to come. Making such changes will not only benefit the planet; they will benefit you, and all of its present and future inhabitants.
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John Robins -

One factor in determining the premium of a personal auto policy or a homeowners policy has nothing to do with your driving record or claims historyit's your credit record. According to Conning and Company, more than 90 percent of insurers use an insurance applicant's credit historyhis or her insurance risk scoreto slot him or her into a certain program.
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homeowners6 tips to manage yo ur homeowner premium:
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It is a good idea to take an inventory of your personal possessions, at least annually. Keeping a current inventory benefits you in three ways:
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