insurance records

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Tips for a Hassle-Free MoveMoving can be stressful, it's like uprooting your life and all of your belongings, and settling back in. But it doesn't always have to be overwhelming. Here's how to make sure you're covered, insurance-wise, plus tips on hiring a mover and making your big day hassle-free.

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It turns out that few of us in Virginia are as unique as we might like to think. Each New Year's Day, the common longings that unite us all come to the surface in the form of our resolutions, many of which are identical from one person to the next. How many of the top ten most common New Year's resolutions sound familiar to you?
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Part of what makes our iPhones, Androids, and the like so convenient is their diminutive size. They fit easily into pockets and purses and are extremely portable. The undesirable flip side to their petite stature, however, is how easily they can be left behind and lost, not to mention stolen. Before notifying your insurance company about a lost or stolen device, however, you can try tracking it down.
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Thanks to a certain well-known and widely-loved MGM musical featuring a scarecrow, a tin man, and a cowardly lion, many of us, especially those who dwell on the East or West Coast, have thought of tornadoes as little more catalysts for traveling "over the rainbow" to a colorful world populated by munchkins and flying monkeys. But those who have experienced actual tornados know they are more the stuff of nightmares than the stuff of Technicolor fantasy. And on May 20th of this year, the entire nation saw just how devastating a tornado can be when we witnessed the tragedies in Moore, Oklahoma.
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Summer can benefit Virginia small business owners in a multitude of ways: businesses located in popular vacation destinations typically see a significant increase in revenues; warm weather and longer days improve moods, making people a bit more free and easy with their money, which means sales tend to be healthy in the summer months; and, because kids are out of school and life seems to slow down from its usually hectic pace, many consumers make purchases in the summer that they put off during the rest of the year. Another reason summer can benefit small business owners is the increased availability of cheap or free labor in the form of interns! High-school and college students on break from classes are eager to gain experience in the workforce, particularly in positions that connect to their chosen career paths. It's smart to take advantage of their willingness to learn and help. Ideally, internships are mutually beneficial. Here's some tips to help you have positive experiences with summer interns:
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We all know that pollution affects the soil, air, and water in our outdoor environment. Many of us in Virginia have taken measures to minimize harm to our planet, but what about our indoor environments-the places we call home?
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Hockey is a notoriously rough sport, and no part of the body is more vulnerable to injury by that cold, hard ice or that fast-flying puck (not to mention a fellow player's fist or elbow) than the head. Concussions abound in the NHL, with more and more-many of them undocumented-happening every year. Former hockey star Keith Premeau, who suffered at least four concussions during his career, told the L.A. Times in 2011 that his career was cut short by his head injuries. "[T]here isn't a day that goes by that I don't sense I've damaged my brain," he said. This is sad, but not surprising, as concussion-related symptoms can last for years.
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In many parts of the country, water abounds as winter winds down. Melting snow and rain seem to make the whole world a watery place. Slushy, icy environments are common, making roads hazardous and driving a dangerous proposition. But too much water can even create problems in what seems like the safest of all places: home. When the quantity of water in and around your home is too much for your water removal systems to deal with, you have what is known as water back up.
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Resolving to make improvements to your health and habits in 2013 can do more than just improve your longevity, your quality of life, your appearance, and your attitude; it can also work to put more money in your pocket! How? Well, in addition to all the cash you'll save by foregoing that daily double mocha with whipped cream, you can also reap the benefits of having decreased insurance rates. That's because many insurance providers will give you a break if you make changes for the better. For example:
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Download Home Inventory Worksheet (Excel) Keeping a home inventory is an important exercise that aids you in three ways:
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