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A woman with a dog working from homeWhether you specialize in carpentry, web design, or accounting, the availability of online resources and professional networks enables almost anyone to engage with potential clients and manage essential day-to-day business tasks independently. This growing pool of freelancers and self-employed professionals has simplified the process for employers, making it easier than ever to hire independent contractors to fulfill specific business needs.

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As a business owner in Virginia, you have the option of hiring contract or permanent employees – and many more businesses are using contract workers while sorting out the uncertainty in the economy. A contract employee is essentially a freelancer who has agreed to work for you for a mutually-agreed upon period of time, which may be extended if you see fit. A permanent employee has been hired with the understanding that he or she will go on working for you until a termination or a resignation. Both types of employees have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of contract employees, however, are illusory.

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Medium Sized Business 2 peopleWe've said it before: the distinction between a small and large business is somewhat arbitrary. At what point in the business growth life cycle do you cross over? One way to answer the question is when your business no longer qualifies for a Business Owners Package Policy. The BOP bundles up several kinds of insurance protection in one policy. But as business become larger the risks they pose become more varied and difficult to address in one policy.

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View of a neighborhoodConsidering the barrage of daily concerns, your homeowner's insurance policy may be the last thing on your mind. And yet, examining and reevaluating home insurance policies on an annual basis is a critical facet of homeownership, ensuring adequate coverage and protection for the most valuable asset and source of equity for many people inVirginia and beyond. Premiums, like much else in the current economic climate, are forecasted to see some big increases in the coming year, with some expected to exceed $1,000 a year and many slated for rate hikes in the double digits.

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Avoiding Remodeling MishapsSummer's generally agreeable weather and extended daylight hours in Virginia make it an ideal season to tackle renovations, remodels, and other household fix-its. Still, these projects aren't without inherent challenges and risks. A little due diligence at the onset can do much to minimize unhappy surprises and make for successful, stress-free (or, at least, as close as it gets) renovations.

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How to Avoid a Corporate LawsuitAn impending lawsuit is never good news. Not only are they costly, but, perhaps worse, they can permanently damage a company's reputation, an expense no business can easily afford during highly competitive consumer and employee markets like the current. While companies are sued for a range of reasons, there are a few recurring culprits that can be avoided with appropriate planning, clear communication, and due diligence.

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Back to Work: Considerations for re-opening the officeWhen COVID-19 shut the entire world down two years ago, many wondered how businesses would pivot and persist. As closures and restrictions continued far beyond anyone's initial projections, it became obvious that "business as usual" was going to be anything but. And, while the transition to a remote model for schools and businesses throughout the world was an unprecedented shift with no real map for structure or outcomes, many made the adjustment with relative ease and found the remote model was not without benefit. Now, as the corporate world attempts a return to what was, it faces a number of concerns and considerations, not the least of which being a pool of employees that might rather remain remote.

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Business: Small Business Advice from Big-Time ExecutivesInternet queries for advice about finding success in life, love, and business consistently top trending charts, while self-help titles touting one route or another as the road to greatness never fail to make their mark on the New York Times Bestsellers list. So, if you've ever wondered how to make that proverbial lemonade from the lot of lemons life may have dealt you, here are some bits of entrepreneurial wisdom from some of the world's most successful people.

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All About Agua: Water Safety for HomeownersYou hear a lot about water conservation lately, but what about water quality? Where does a household's water even come from, how is it maintained, and how can you know if it's safe for you and your family? Here's what you need to know about the water in your home, and what might indicate a problem

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Inspecting and Maintaining Home UtilitiesUtilities, such as electricity, water, and natural gas, allow us to complete the tasks of daily living. Now that working from home has become the norm, it's that much more important that these critical services work reliably, day after day. As the chances of extreme weather and natural disasters continue to increase, here's what you should know about maintaining your home utilities, and what to do if there's a problem.

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Safety Tips: Buying and Selling OnlineThis year, many of us got a much more up close and personal relationship with our families, our houses, and our things. And many of us realized: we have way too much of all three. While you can't get rid of your 6-year-old or your spouse, there are plenty of places you can go to unload excess stuff.

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All About WarrantiesIn many cases, a warranty can seem like a sneaky way for manufacturers to squeeze a few extra bucks out of their customers. In some cases, purchasing a warranty might actually be a good idea. Whether you're thinking about signing up for a warranty on a major purchase, or deciding whether to pay a few extra bucks for a warranty on a small appliance while standing in line at Target, here's what you need to know in order to make the best decision.

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Maintaining Business VehiclesWhether you use a single vehicle or an entire fleet for your business, keeping them running smoothly is critical to fulfilling your business goals. And if employees are using those vehicles, that adds in another layer of complexity. Here's what you need to know about how to keep your business vehicles well maintained, and keep your employees safe on the job while using them.
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Tips for Achieving and Maintaining Good CreditWe all start the New Year vowing to do better, with our health, our relationships, and of course, our finances. But how do you even begin to make improvements if your financial situation is far less than ideal? And if you're on the right track, how do you keep it going? Here's what you need to know about building and maintaining good credit.

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Water SafetyWe're sliding into the hottest months of the year in Virginia, and many of us will be delighting in the cool water of our local lakes, rivers, and pools. But playing in the water is probably one of the riskiest activities out there. In fact, drowning is a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4, and most accidental drownings occur during the summer months. Thousands of older children and adults also die from water-related injuries each year. Here are eight water safety tips to keep you safe this summer:

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Vacation Policy for Small BusinessesEveryone looks forward to summer vacations except, perhaps, business owners and managers. Not only can it be a headache to juggle schedules and re-assign tasks while employees are away; it can also impact your business and customer service to have key employees gone. So how do you make it all work? Here are a few things to consider when creating and implementing a vacation policy so that it works for, not against, your business.

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Finance and romance, both can make people crazy. Put them together and you might just double the insanity. If you're in a committed relationship, however, there's no way around it. Whether you're already married or on your way, here are some tips for managing your money as a couple:

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head concussionIn early February, the U.S. celebrates the truly American sport of football. Recently we've heard some pretty tragic stories about the effects of head injuries on professional football players but did you know that regular people who play contact sports or participate in activities like skateboarding or snowboarding are also at risk? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about sports-related head injuries and how to reduce your risk:
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Much of our lives are spent online these days, so it only makes sense that insurance companies are starting to offer products to help protect consumers from the significant losses that can occur related to their online activity. And it's not just identity theft that's covered by these new cyber insurance and related "cyber loss" policies. Here are a few of the most popular new coverages to protect yourself online and ultimately, off.

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For the average American, it's nearly impossible to get by in the modern world without taking on some debt. But, used wisely, debt can be a part of a healthy financial picture and not a chain around your neck. Keep reading to learn the difference between good debt and bad debt, what to do about old debts, and how to choose which debts to take on in the future.

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Adding on to your home, completing major or minor renovations, or making upgrades to outdated plumbing or electrical systems can all have a positive impact on the value of a property. But did you know they can also change your insurance needs? Here's what you should do to make sure you're covered before, during and after you make changes to your home.

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If you're heading for retirement or even if it's a ways off, you might already be writing that bucket list of things to do and places to see as soon as you don't have to show up to work every day. But before that happy day arrives, there's a different list of things you should cross off to ensure that your golden years are truly carefree.

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Taking to the open road in a home on wheels is a dream for many Americans. If you are considering purchasing a recreational vehicles (RV) this summer, it's important to understand what type of insurance you'll need in order to make an informed decision.

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Spring is just around the corner in Virginia. With it will come melting ice and snow, rising waters, and an increased potential for serious water damage due to flooding. Most standard insurance policies do not cover flooding, and that includes business and commercial policies. So should you spend extra to protect your business from flooding? Here are some things you should consider.

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After your home is damaged by wind, hail, or other natural elements, the storm isn't necessarily over; in fact, it might be just the beginning. Here's what you need to know about the storm-induced insurance process from diagnosing the damage to filing a claim and making repairs so that weathering your home's recovery is as painless as possible.

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Last week, we discussed what other personal belongings you may want to insure separately. Here, let's look at some business assets that might warrant additional coverage.

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For many business and creative professionals in Virginia, a regular nine to five job just isn't appealing anymore. And with many employers offering opportunities that allow workers to telecommute, work from home, or keep non-traditional hours, high-level employees no longer have to submit to the daily grind if they so choose. That means that employers who don't offer these options may lose their ability to attract great employees. Fortunately, flexible scheduling might actually be a good thing for business owners, too. Read on to discover why.

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A study published just last month explains that it isn't merely a lack of physical exercise that leads to poor cardiovascular health. It turns out that the very act of sitting is also hard on the heart, even in a person who exercises.
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They come in all shapes, sizes, and styles, from the rounded-off, vintage "teardrop" types to the mirror-shiny Airstreams and the clever pop-up models. Some are strictly no-frills, utilitarian shelters for lonely fishermen to park by the river for a few days; others are incredibly appointed bastions of luxury that seem as long as a city block and can keep a family of 12 comfortable and. Summer is at its peak, and it's not just the hot sunshine, sandals, and barbecues that remind us; it's the amazing assortment of travel trailers moving all over the U.S. highways. Families love to travel in the summer, and what better way to do it than with a mobile house on wheels towed behind your car or truck, providing all the comforts of home in virtually any new locale you desire?
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When we left Jack and Sara last month, college sweethearts Jack and Sara got engaged on their way to New Orleans and made sure to add the new ring as a rider onto their existing renter's insurance policy. And while staying with family friends, Jack accidentally backed his car into their garage. Thank goodness for their homeowner's insurance provides coverage for damage to their property caused by visitors. Here's what happened next...
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The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the scent of barbecue is in the air. It's summer in Virginia, and unlike the kids who've been temporarily liberated from their version of a nine-to-five-school, the grown ups of the world must continue with their regular workaday lives in spite of the siren call of this most tempting of seasons. Work can feel more tedious than usual during the summertime. Even those who sincerely love their jobs would readily trade a day at work for a day by the pool.
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Fireworks are synonymous with Independence Day. Virtually every small and sizeable town or city across the U.S. puts on some sort of firework show on the Fourth of July. And in many places its still legal for consumers to purchase and set off their own fireworks, which is a thrill to kids, and kids-at-heart everywhere. Fireworks are full of mystique. They are enchantingly named; "Whistling Moon Traveler," "Ground Blooming Flower" and seductively packaged, and there's nothing quite like the suspense of watching a firework after it has been lit to see just what sort of show it will put on, what colors, what shapes, what sounds! It's no wonder we persist in being so enamored with these flammable forms of entertainment, in spite of the fact that they are incredibly dangerous...
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Before the Internet, a dissatisfied customer might complain to a family member, and perhaps a neighbor or two. These days, he'll use his computer or smartphone to vent his displeasure; he might even include an exaggeration or two (or 10). And instead of sharing his experience with a few people, he'll share it with potentially thousands upon thousands. Thanks to Yelp, Google Reviews, Amazon, and the like, everyone's a critic.
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Remember when you got your first password? Think back, and try not to get too sweetly sentimental about it. Maybe it was the one associated with your AOL account back when the World Wide Web was a novelty and e-mail was a cutting-edge communication. How many more passwords have you created and accrued since then? A handful? A hundred? Too many! It's enough to make a person long for 1999.
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Reduce Employee Health Costs by promoting exerciseBusiness owners can reap significant financial rewards by fostering a culture of health among employees at their workplaces. A recent study of PPG Industries, a large, Pennsylvania-based company founded in 1883, was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The study showed that employee health costs were reduced after the company implemented a program designed to inspire employees to become actively involved improving their health. The company adopted new policies and created an environment that was tailored to encouraging employees' positive health behaviors. Particular emphasis was placed on prevention and modification of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Even if your business is a fraction of the size of PPG Industries, you might consider echoing their effort to create a culture of health among your employees. Who knows, you could save more than money; you may even save (or at least enhance) a few lives!
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It turns out that few of us in Virginia are as unique as we might like to think. Each New Year's Day, the common longings that unite us all come to the surface in the form of our resolutions, many of which are identical from one person to the next. How many of the top ten most common New Year's resolutions sound familiar to you?
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Nobody in the Virginia wants poor old Santa to emerge from the chimney looking like a scary, sooty monster. Now that the weather is truly chilly and the generous man from the North Pole is on his way, it's time to think about your chimney and/or make sure your wood stove is in fine working order. Hiring professionals to do this for you is certainly one option, but during a time of year when your pocketbook is already likely to be a bit on the depleted side, you may be motivated to do it yourself. Here are some tips for safe and effective DIY assessment and cleaning of chimneys and wood stoves:
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Asbestos is a hidden health hazard that can lurk right in the place where you should feel the safest: home. While those who work in the construction industry are considered the most vulnerable to asbestos exposure, especially repeated exposure, it's important to keep in mind that even very limited exposure-such as what you might experience during a simple renovation project-can have long-term negative effects. Make it a priority to prevent you and your family members from coming into contact with this dangerous material.
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Part of what makes our iPhones, Androids, and the like so convenient is their diminutive size. They fit easily into pockets and purses and are extremely portable. The undesirable flip side to their petite stature, however, is how easily they can be left behind and lost, not to mention stolen. Before notifying your insurance company about a lost or stolen device, however, you can try tracking it down.
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For most of the children in Virginia, the end of August means those lazy dog days of summer are coming to a close, and those books and desks are what will be opening up next. For parents, the back-to-school season is a great time of year to look over insurance policies, and make sure they are up to date. Here are some insurance situations to consider as the kiddos hit the books.
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Contractors are people, too. What does that mean? Well, even though they may have licenses and many years of experience in their profession, they are fallible. There are good ones and bad ones. Some are ethical and honest, while others seem to be missing a conscience. Just as you would be careful about choosing a nanny, a personal accountant, or a used car salesman, so should you use caution in selecting a contractor before you begin that home building project, renovation, or repair. Here are some good tips to avoid getting taken for a ride:
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Thanks to a certain well-known and widely-loved MGM musical featuring a scarecrow, a tin man, and a cowardly lion, many of us, especially those who dwell on the East or West Coast, have thought of tornadoes as little more catalysts for traveling "over the rainbow" to a colorful world populated by munchkins and flying monkeys. But those who have experienced actual tornados know they are more the stuff of nightmares than the stuff of Technicolor fantasy. And on May 20th of this year, the entire nation saw just how devastating a tornado can be when we witnessed the tragedies in Moore, Oklahoma.
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Like it or not, the vast majority of us in Virginia have become dependent on our cell phones. We rely on them not just as tools of oral communication (in fact, actually talking on the phone seems to be increasingly rare), but as tools for sending texts and emails, as both still photography and video cameras, as notepads, as gaming systems, as maps, and as music players. Indeed, today's cell phone is a far cry from the behemoth model of yesteryear, complete with its adjustable wire antenna; a cutting-edge contemporary does virtually everything!
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Summer can benefit Virginia small business owners in a multitude of ways: businesses located in popular vacation destinations typically see a significant increase in revenues; warm weather and longer days improve moods, making people a bit more free and easy with their money, which means sales tend to be healthy in the summer months; and, because kids are out of school and life seems to slow down from its usually hectic pace, many consumers make purchases in the summer that they put off during the rest of the year. Another reason summer can benefit small business owners is the increased availability of cheap or free labor in the form of interns! High-school and college students on break from classes are eager to gain experience in the workforce, particularly in positions that connect to their chosen career paths. It's smart to take advantage of their willingness to learn and help. Ideally, internships are mutually beneficial. Here's some tips to help you have positive experiences with summer interns:
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We all know that pollution affects the soil, air, and water in our outdoor environment. Many of us in Virginia have taken measures to minimize harm to our planet, but what about our indoor environments-the places we call home?
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There's no doubt that your lifestyle choices can make you healthy or unhealthy. And, unsurprisingly, your environment has enormous influence over your lifestyle. We've all heard that certain nations and even states have healthier populations than others, but even your neighborhood can help to make or break your health. In fact, studies have indicated that life expectancy can differ by as many as ten years from one neighborhood to the next, even if those neighborhoods are side by side!
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If you are a business owner in Virginia who pays for your employee's health coverage and sick leave, you have good reason to motivate these employees to stay healthy. Good employee health translates to good financial health for you and your business!
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Hockey is a notoriously rough sport, and no part of the body is more vulnerable to injury by that cold, hard ice or that fast-flying puck (not to mention a fellow player's fist or elbow) than the head. Concussions abound in the NHL, with more and more-many of them undocumented-happening every year. Former hockey star Keith Premeau, who suffered at least four concussions during his career, told the L.A. Times in 2011 that his career was cut short by his head injuries. "[T]here isn't a day that goes by that I don't sense I've damaged my brain," he said. This is sad, but not surprising, as concussion-related symptoms can last for years.
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In many parts of the country, water abounds as winter winds down. Melting snow and rain seem to make the whole world a watery place. Slushy, icy environments are common, making roads hazardous and driving a dangerous proposition. But too much water can even create problems in what seems like the safest of all places: home. When the quantity of water in and around your home is too much for your water removal systems to deal with, you have what is known as water back up.
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Those of us in Virginia who took our Drivers' Ed classes in decades past certainly remember the oft-repeated phrase "ten and two." Ten and two is a kind of code for the positions one's hands should take on a steering wheel. If the steering wheel is a clock, we were all told that you should place your right hand at two o'clock and your left at ten o'clock. Keeping your hands thus positioned would enable you to steer effectively and retain the greatest control over your vehicle. Ten and two! It's practically gospel, right?
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Insurance can be a tricky business. Shopping for can feel intimidating because there are so many providers and plans to choose from, so much fine print...and so many misconceptions! Yes, myths abound in the insurance world, and they are perpetuated as readily and colorfully as any fairy tales or legends.
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Most of us in Virginia have insurance for our homes, cars or businesses. We know life insurance is part of any good financial plan and health insurance can protect us from catastrophic medical bills. But there are a few other programs that we come in contact with - we don't usually think of these programs as insurance, but they are.
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Few connections are as vulnerable to conflicts as the ones between neighbors. Fence lines, Fido's bathroom habits, and Friday night parties hosted by unsupervised teens are just a few common examples of matters that inspire some not-so-neighborly arguments. Most Virginia residents can readily point a finger at a neighbor who has proven to be less than considerate. But there is at least one thing every single one of us can do to be a better neighbor: have home insurance liability coverage.
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A few years ago, Hurricane Ike tore through the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas, leaving almost nothing but rubble in its wake. Before the hurricane, some 200 homes had proudly stood along the peninsula's coastline, their inhabitants enjoying idyllic lives on the beach. But after Ike had wreaked his havoc, only 10 of those homes remained standing. Some of the surviving homes had lost power, and their decks had blown away; one sustained roof damage. But all were move-in ready soon after the storm had passed.
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You may consider yourself well versed when it comes to the ins and outs of business insurance in Virginia, especially if you own a business in Virginia. But just how accurate and in-depth is your knowledge? In the spirit of fall, which is back to school time, take this quiz to test your awareness of business insurance myths and truths.
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When one of your kids is going to college in Virginia or out-of-state, there's so much to think about: the cost of tuition, packing all the right things to take along, and registering for the proper classes, not to mention the powerful emotions that arise when one of your fledglings makes the bold leap out of the nest and flies away. One important matter that may be easily forgotten amidst all these other concerns is that of insurance. In particular, health and property are two aspects of every college student's life that may require new coverage.
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Chances are if you carry any sort of insurance policy in Virginia, you are somewhat familiar with the concept of exclusions. An exclusion is, in layman's terms, simply something that an insurance policy doesn't cover; it is literally excluded from protection by the policy. Of course, life is so much easier when everything is included in one tidy package, but since this is rarely the case, it's important to be aware of your insurance policies' exclusions.
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If you're a business owner in Virginia, you may have employees who take company laptops and smartphones with them during their summer travels. This is wonderfully convenient because it allows employees to stay in touch and work while they are in distant locales. It is also risky, however, because chances are those laptops and smartphones contain important customer and business records-data that should never land in the wrong hands.
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Times have changed substantially since the dog-eat-dog days of fire marks-distinctive plaques fashioned of lead or copper that home and business owners displayed on their property to indicate that it was insured against a fire. In the 18th and 19th centuries, fire insurance providers gave these plaques to policyholders who paid in advance for their protection. If a home or business caught fire, the fire insurance provider (who also ran the fire brigade!) would look for that all-important fire mark before going to the trouble of putting out the flames. If there was no fire mark to be found, they would turn around and leave, letting the building burn.
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Earth Day is April 22, 2012. It's a time for those of us in Virginia to celebrate the miraculous beauty of our precious planet and all its offerings, as well as to make changes to our own habits and lives that will help to preserve the earth for many generations to come. Making such changes will not only benefit the planet; they will benefit you, and all of its present and future inhabitants.
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The Internet: it's a part of everyhousehold, an indispensable resource, a source of endless entertainment, and an incomparably effective communication tool. Most of us can hardly imagine life without it. Its advantages are many, but it has its drawbacks, too. Chief among them is loss of privacy. What you search for, shop for, and look at on the Web is not just saved; it's shared, and used by advertisers who tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.
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Last summer, Apple introduced the iCloud, an intriguing method of saving data on a remote server-as distant and nebulous as a cloud itself-rather than on a local hard drive. The cloud allows users to store and remove data from a remote server through a network, but the cloud isn't new and it isn't limited to Apple's iCloud; the concept has been around for a while, and has existed in one form or another for years. According to industry journal InfoWorld, "[c]loud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities."
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It's the place where we seek rest and respite from the demands of the workday and the outside world. It's where we spend quality time with friends and family. It's where we cook, eat, sleep, shower, and sit by the fire. It's home, and it really is sweet.
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It's that time of year again, the time of giving and receiving. We show love and appreciation for the people in our lives by presenting them with tokens of affection, usually in the form of presents. Likewise, we receive gifts. Some are delightfully simple and sweet, another hand-knit sweater from Aunt Margie, while others may be flat-out fancy diamond necklace from the husband, for example. When the euphoria that comes with receiving a truly great present dies down, it's time for those in Virginia to think about protecting it. It is, after all, another asset, and should be treated as such.
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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver distractions are a contributing cause in approximately 25 percent of all motor vehicle crashes or about 1.2 million accidents. However, distractions can be hard to quantify, and the number of accidents due to driver distractions is difficult to define. What can further complicate matters is that there may be more than one distraction, such as texting while chastising a child in the backseat. Cell phones are considered one of the leading driver distractions. As a result, more communities are placing restrictions on drivers' use of cell phones. And more states are now passing laws banning the practice of texting while driving. The U.S. Congress is even considering a federal law related to this ban. The following tips are offered to motorists in regards to cell phone use in vehicles.
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Yes. Floods, earthquakes, and acts of terrorism are typically not included in coverage.
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Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks to an organization. It is important for businesses of all sizes to have a risk management plan in place to protect themselves from financial losses.
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Today many of us have a multitude of passwords to keep track of at work and at home. As passwords multiply it is easy to succumb to the temptation of using easy to guess words or simply leaving a sticky note on your computer. But these are generally bad ideas. Better is to come up with a strong password and keep it secret.
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What is "Identity Theft" or "Identity Fraud"? Simply, identity theft is committed when another person's name, Social Security number or other personal information is used to apply for credit, buy goods and services, or commit other fraud. Identity theft is now a federal crime and recently stiffened penalties were put in place but you should still take measures to protect yourself. And if you should be victimized there are steps you can take to minimize your loss.
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